- 1. Print graphics
- 2. MadLibs
- 3. Calculator
- 4. Applications
- 5. Numbers
- 6. Conjectures
- 7. StudentMIS
- 8. Tickets System
- 9. Sequence List Basic System
- 10. Sequence List Application System
- 11. Link List Basic System
- 12. Link List Application System
- 13. Complexity of Algorithms
- 14. Queue Application System
- 15. Stack Application System
- 16. Sparse Matrix System
- 17. Triangular Matrix System
- 18. Idioms Solitaire(成语接龙)
- 19. Binary Tree System
- 20. Huffman Tree System
- 21. Graph System
- 22. BitOperation
- 22. BigNumber
- More to be coming...
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Projects of C++
C++ Programming and Object-Oriented Design
Project 23. BigNumber
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Name: BigNumber
Copyright: Seng Dewen
Author: Seng Dewen
Date: Nov. 10, 2022
Description: BigNumber.
菜单(Press 0 for English Menu)
1. Input BN 输入大数
2. Search BN 查找指定位
3. Modify BN 修改指定位
4. Delete BN 删除指定位
5. Addition(+) 大数相加(+)
6.Substraction(-) 大数相减(-)
7. Multiply(*) 大数相乘(*)
8. Divide(/) 大数相除(/)
9. Compare 比较大小
10. Exit(退出程序)