- 1. Print graphics
- 2. MadLibs
- 3. Calculator
- 4. Applications
- 5. Numbers
- 6. Conjectures
- 7. StudentMIS
- 8. Tickets System
- 9. Sequence List Basic System
- 10. Sequence List Application System
- 11. Link List Basic System
- 12. Link List Application System
- 13. Complexity of Algorithms
- 14. Queue Application System
- 15. Stack Application System
- 16. Sparse Matrix System
- 17. Triangular Matrix System
- 18. Idioms Solitaire(成语接龙)
- 19. Binary Tree System
- 20. Huffman Tree System
- 21. Graph System
- 22. BitOperation
- 23. BigNumber
- More to be coming...
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Projects of C++
C++ Programming and Object-Oriented Design
Project 17. Triangular Matrix System
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Name: Triangular System
Copyright: Seng Dewen
Author: Seng Dewen
Date: Oct. 10, 2020
Description: Triangular Matrix System.
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1. Create Upper Matrix(创建上三角矩阵)

2. Create Lower Matrix(创建下三角矩阵)

3. Create Symmetric Matrix(创建对称矩阵)

4. Show Matrix Status(显示矩阵状态)

5. Transpose of Matrix(矩阵转置)

6. Clear Matrix(置空矩阵)

7. Get Element(获取矩阵元素值)

8. Set Element(设置矩阵元素值)

9. Get Sum of Matrix(求矩阵元素之和)

10. Exit(退出程序)
